Working In Harmony Nurturing The Future

Habib Basuni dan Heryadi Accounting Firm and Accounting Study Program of UNEJ Conducting Internship Collaboration


Achirul Imami, Laila Aprilina, Adella Rahani Azhar, Wahyu Mentari Putri, and Cicilia Bilqis are accounting student at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember. They are taking internship at Habib Basuni dan Heryadi Accounting Firm from August to November. The 5 students are selected through academic criteria and hence they take internship as junior auditor at that accounting. firm. The study program will grant them with 20 credits in order to substitute their present at class this semester. They get explanation from the facilitator about using ATLAS starting from inputting engagement information, A1, and D100.