Working In Harmony Nurturing The Future

Bachelor of Accounting Students taking working internship at PTPN X Sugar Research Centre Jengkol Kediri


The Bachelor of Accounting Study Program sent 5 students namely Muhammad Farhan Abi Pascal, Tarisa Rizki Permata Sari, Selvy Devi Maratri, Galih Eling Waspodo, and Afif Tegar Wicaksono  to carry out work internship activities at PTPN X Sugar Research Centre, Jengkol, Kediri. The internship will be held from 1 August to 30 November 2023 for 4 months. Students get a recognition of 20 credits for the internship activity. The internship activities carried out at PTPN X are observing the experimental garden in collaboration between the Jengkol Sugar Research Centre and Petrokimia Gresik. Then follow the process of weighing the place in the experimental garden of the Petro Cane NPK fertiliser effectiveness test for sugarcane plants and carry out weighing activities in the D2AF experimental garden of the Petro Cane NPK fertiliser effectiveness test for sugarcane varieties Bululawang.