Jurusan AkuntansiS1 Akuntansi |
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POSTING - 05 Agustus 2021 |
BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING STUDY PROGRAM CONDUCTS BENCHMARKING AND WEBINARS![]() On Wednesday, August 04, 2021, the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program FEB UNEJ held a webinar with the theme "Technopreneur Research Ideas for Thesis". This mini webinar was held online via Zoom Cloud Meetings and was attended by S1 Accounting students. The material presented by Eko Heru Prasetyo, M.Sc., M.Econ is expected to be useful for students in developing science in the field of Technopreneur and as a Benchmarking effort to improve the quality of research for the Bachelor of Accounting students. Growing digital technology activities can be an opportunity for research in technology and entrepreneurship. In addition, there was a discussion of material about Digital Startups that are growing rapidly both in Indonesia and abroad that cover the ecosystem to elements of Digital Startups. The essence of this webinar also discusses future research in sub-Entrepreneurial process and outcomes, Entrepreneurial activity and Digitalization, Digital Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs Education, and Entrepreneurship and Institutions. S1 Akuntansi FEB UNEJ; Building Harmony, Building Future