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Six Accounting Lecturers Successfully Complete Certified Financial Accountants (CFA) International Certification Training
Several accounting lecturers such as Dr. Yosefa Sayekti, M.Com, Ak, Dr. Ririn Irmadariyani, MSi, Ak, Drs. Sudarno, MSi, Ak, Nur Hisamuddin, SE, MSA, Ak, Bunga Maharani, SE, MSA and Dewi Ayu Puspita, SE, MSA have successfully completed training to obtain the title Certified Financial Accountants (CFA) from The American Academy of Project Management (AAPM). The training organized by JAWS Academy provides the latest financial accounting material that can increase the capacity of lecturers in providing lecture material in the Bachelor of Accounting study program towards achieving "Accounting Technopreneur".